Launch Your Independence

Welcome to Life Launch website for those navigating the rough journey to adulthood without a roadmap. This site celebrates those who face the uncertainties of grown-up life with courage and a touch of humor. Here, we unite in our shared experiences, offering support, wisdom, and a comforting shoulder to lean on. Whether you’re a late bloomer, an overachiever, or just someone trying to figure it all out, you’ll find a community ready to walk this unpredictable path together. Join us as we embrace the chaos, share in the laughter and tears, and discover that while the guidebook to adulthood may not exist, our collective stories and advice can light the way forward.

Smiling young brunette woman girl in yellow sweater

Adulting skills to help you thrive.

Start your journey to adulthood with confidence and support. LifeLaunch is your companion in evolving into a self-assured, responsible adult. LifeLaunch focuses on enhancing mental health resources and support for young adults.

Wherever you are on your path to adulthood, LifeLaunch is ready to join you. We provide the tools and support needed to guide you through each stage of this exciting journey.

Hearing wellness journeys from other young adults is like getting a hope boost from someone who’s been there. Check this out.

Uncover additional tools and resources here.


Dive into wellness with a holistic approach that spans physical, emotional, social, and more. It’s about feeding your body right, moving more, connecting deeply, and finding what ultimately fuels your spirit. Learn to balance work, play, and finances for fully harmonized emotional health. Perfect your wellness journey, uniquely yours.

Life Skills

Get the scoop on life skills. Launch your independence after high school, whether you’re heading for more education or starting your career. From learning the basics of banking and credit scores to clutch interview skills, master meal planning, and the importance of setting healthy boundaries, we’ve got you covered. Let’s tackle this journey together!

Get Involved

Having a solid support system is like having your own superhero squad. That’s why getting involved with programs like youth councils across the state, Active Minds chapters, Mental Health America, and NAMI is so crucial. These programs are about finding your people, making connections, and knowing you’re not alone. So, don’t be shy – dive in, get involved, and let’s build our support networks together!

You're Not Alone

Taking care of your wellbeing

Wellbeing is your whole vibe where your body, mind, and soul are in sync. It’s about living a life that feeds all parts of you – keeping your body healthy, your mind sharp, and your spirit fulfilled. It’s all about finding your own path to being your absolute best self, no matter what life throws at you.

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